
Shakira's Biography

Биографии | Разместил 13.10.2010
Shakira's Biography

Today Shakira is a platinum recording artist, a sensation in Latin America and far beyond. And she did it by listening to her inner voice that told her what worked and what didn't. Продолжить »

Shakira Loves Lyrical Riddles

Архив новостей | Разместил 13.12.2009
Shakira Loves Lyrical Riddles

Shakira doesn't care if her lyrics don't make sense. - - - Шакиру не волнует, имеют ли тексты ее песен смысл.Продолжить »

Shakira's 'Incompetent' Parents

Архив новостей | Разместил 03.12.2009
Shakira's 'Incompetent' Parents

Shakira thought her parents were ''the most incompetent business people in the world'' when she was eight and her father went bankrupt. - - - Когда Шакире было восемь лет и ее отец обанкротился, она считала своих родителей...Продолжить »

Shakira’s Hip-Swaying Songs

Архив новостей | Разместил 01.09.2009
Shakira’s Hip-Swaying Songs

Shakira will only release a song if it makes her hips move, because if she can't dance to it no one else will.Продолжить »