keira knightley

Keira Knightley: An Interview at the Duchess UK premiere on BBC NEWS

Интервью | Разместил 19.02.2011
Keira Knightley: An Interview at the Duchess UK premiere on BBC NEWS

An interview with Keira Knightley at the London premiere of the Duchess (a film depicts life of the duchess of Devonshire) on BBC NEWS.Продолжить »

Keira Knightley's Houseboat Home

Архив новостей | Разместил 05.02.2010
Keira Knightley's Houseboat Home

The 'Pirates of the Caribbean' actress and her boyfriend Rupert Friend have been using the barge, which is moored on a canal in London's East End, every weekend and have rented it up until the summer. - - - Звезда "Пиратов Карибского моря" и ее бойфренд Руперт Френд каждые выходные используют баркас, пришвартованный на канале в лондонском Ист-Энде, который она...Продолжить »

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