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Jay-Z Has Umbrella Angst

Jay-Z wishes he had released a range of umbrellas when Rihanna's song of the same name was a worldwide hit. - - - Джей За сожалеет, что не выпустил коллекцию зонтов, когда одноименная песня Рианны...Продолжить »
Sandra Bullock’s 'Special' Lisp

'All About Steve' actress Sandra Bullock is furious ''society'' encouraged her to have treatment to correct her childhood lisp instead of embracing it as something that made her ''unique and special''. Продолжить »
Mickey Rourke Saved by Sport

Mickey Rourke would rather have never worked at all than spend 14 years without an acting role, and says sport gave him the mental strength to make a comeback.Продолжить »