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present perfect
Ниже представлен список статей, в которых встречается и рассматривается данное грамматическое явление.
Тест: Present Perfect vs. Past Simple
Небольшой тест на знание Present Perfect и Past Simple. Продолжить »
Helen Mirren Regrets Tattoo

Dame Helen Mirren has admitted her tattoo was a drunken mistake. The 64-year-old actress claimed she got the small piece of body art on her hand as an act of rebellion when she was younger. - - - Хелен Миррен, удостоенная титула Дамы Британской империи, признала, что ее татуировка была пьяной ошибкой. 64-летняя актриса заявила... Продолжить »
Avatar: James Cameron Rejects Plagiarism Claims

James Cameron, the director of the 3D blockbuster Avatar, has been accused of ripping off ideas from two popular Soviet Union science fiction writers. - - - Джеймса Кэмерона, режиссера 3D-блокбастера "Аватар", обвиняют в том, что он позаимствовал идеи у двух популярных советских писателей-фантастов.Продолжить »
Patrick Swayze: 'I Wasn’t Ready to Go'

Late actor Patrick Swayze felt like "a dead man" the day he was handed his cancer diagnosis. In his newly-released memoir, The Time of My Life, the Dirty Dancing star recalls the day he was told he was battling pancreatic cancer. Продолжить »
Avril Lavigne ‘Married Too Young’

'Girlfriend' singer Avril Lavigne decided to split from Sum 41 rocker Deryck Whibley because she ''finally'' realised it was a mistake to marry at 21.Продолжить »