Brad and Angelina Will Not Split

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Архив новостей | Разместил 26.01.2010
Brad and Angelina Will Not Split

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are not heading for a split, sources close to the couple have claimed.

Friends of the pair – who have been dating[3] for five years and raise[3] six children together – insist "everything is fine" between them and branded recent reports of a break-up "totally false".

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A source told the New York Daily News newspaper: "I was told it's not true. They are very secretive. But I was told it's not true."

Although another source called the split rumours "B.S", the couple are yet to officially comment on the status of their relationship.

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On Sunday (24.01.10), the News of the World newspaper claimed Brad, 46, and 34-year-old Angelina had visited divorce lawyers to help them separate and planned to split up in the near future.

The legal document they allegedly signed will see their $330 million fortune halved in two, while the pair will have joint custody of their children.

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The couple – who have three adopted children, Maddox, eight, Pax, six, and Zahara, five, as well as three biological kids, Shiloh, three, and 18-month-old twins Knox and Vivienne – are alleged to have visited[1] a top Los Angeles law firm in December last year, and have since hired a lawyer specialising in celebrity divorces.

Although the reports have been refuted, it has since been claimed[2] Brad's brother Doug Pitt begged the 'Fight Club' star to end the relationship because their family was being torn apart.

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A source told The Sun newspaper: "Brad's family are being more vocal with their doubts over the relationship. The only thing they still have in common is their kids. That's keeping them together at the moment."

Brad and Angelina – who has been married twice before – got together after meeting on the set of 'Mr and Mrs Smith' in 2004, while Brad was still married to Jennifer Aniston.

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ИСТОЧНИК: Pitt-30830.html


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a)  недавние сообщения;

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1. The couple … are alleged to have visited a top Los Angeles law firm in December last year…

Это предложение можно перефразировать таким образом: It is alleged that the couple visited a top Los Angeles law firm in December last year…

Подобные конструкции могут употребляться с глаголами said, thought, believed, reported, known и др. Они часто встречаются в новостях.

They are reported to have signed a deal. (= It is reported that they signed a deal.) – Сообщается, что они подписали соглашение.

Their relationship is rumoured to end soon. (= It is rumoured that their relationship will end soon.) – Ходят слухи, что их отношения скоро закончатся.

They are known to have mansions in France, California and New Orleans. (= It is known that they have mansions in France, California and New Orleans.) – Известно, что у них есть особняки во Франции, Калифорнии и Новом Орлеане.


2. it has since been claimed [that] Brad's brother Doug Pitt begged the 'Fight Club' star to end the relationship…

Это конструкция аналогична описанной выше, только здесь сказуемое выражено не в форме Present Simple (it is claimed that…), а в Present Perfect.


3. …who have been dating for five years and raise six children together…

В данном предложении два действия происходят одновременно. Объясните, почему одно выражено с помощью Present Perfect Continuous, а другое – Present Simple.

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