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Michael Caine's Gang Past
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Veteran actor Michael Caine has revealed the truth about his gang past – he only joined a group of teenage thugs for protection.
The Get Carter star is set to wow cinema-goers with his role as a vigilante in violent revenge movie Harry Brown, which is released this month.
He recently confessed he joined a gang in his youth, before finding fame in a string of acclaimed movies in the 1960s.
But he insists there was a good reason for it – he needed protection while growing up in a tough area of south
Caine says, "I was in a gang. But you don't join a gang to go out and smash the daylights out of someone, you join a gang so that no one smashes the daylights out of you. Because if you're walking around on your own, you are a target. That's why you join a gang.
"Admittedly there are criminal psychopaths out there who you can't deal with and you should lock up, but I'm on about the innocent ones."
ИСТОЧНИК: http://web.orange.co.uk/article/news/caine_s_gang_past
Запомните следующие слова и выражения:
to join
to deal
to lock up
Выберите правильный вариант:
1. Michael Caine had a good ………. for joining a gang in his youth.
- target
- reason
- protection
2. He grew up in a tough area of south
- gang
- revenge
- protection
3. Because if you were walking around the streets of south
- thug
- target
- psychopath
4. He was innocent but there were teenage thugs that should have been ………. .
- released
- protected
- locked up
- released
- revealed
- acclaimed
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