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Twilight Star Robert Pattinson 'Can't Get Date'
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Robert Pattinson, star of the hit teen vampire film Twilight, claims he struggles to find dates despite his army of female fans.
The former child model insists that fans are smitten with his Twilight character, not him.
"I don't take any of it seriously," he said. "The girls scream out for Edward Cullen, not Robert. And I still can't get a date."
There have been rumours linking Pattinson with co-star Kristen Stewart and other young beauties. But the actor denies the claims, laughing: "There's not a single true story written about me. I never do anything."
In an interview, Pattinson admitted he took Valium to calm his nerves before an audition.
He said he feared he would not land the role in Twilight, having missed out on a part in the American television vampire series True Blood, now showing on Channel Four.
"I auditioned for the TV series and didn't get it. I didn't have high hopes of getting the role of Edward Cullen either," he said.
The prospect of his Twilight audition sent him rushing for the medicine cabinet for a tranquillizer to calm his nerves.
"I took a quarter of a Valium for the first time – and it worked. But when I tried another Valium before another audition, it backfired and I passed out," the actor told The Sun.
Twilight took £240 million at the box office worldwide after hitting screens last November and the sequel New Moon premieres this month.
Since landing the role of a lifetime, Pattinson has been catapulted into superstardom. Last year, he won a string of accolades, including Rolling Stone magazine's hottest actor and Entertainment Tonight's Top Hunk.
Pattinson is now filming the third part of the Twlight saga, Eclipse, which comes out next summer.
Запомните следующие слова и выражения:
to take smth. seriously
to calm
to land a role
to pass out
box office
to hit screens
1. There have been rumours linking Pattinson with co-star Kristen Stewart and other young beauties. But the actor denies the claims, laughing: "There's not a single true story written about me. I never do anything."
Оборот there is употребляется, когда в разговоре или статье впервые сообщается о существовании или наличии какого-либо предмета или явления. Например, в третьем абзаце этой статьи впервые упоминается о существовании слухов о связи Паттисона со Стюарт и другими красотками. Здесь оборот there is употребляется в форме Present Perfect: “there have been”. Далее Роберт говорит об отсутствии правдивых статей о себе и употребляет оборот there is в отрицательной форме – “there is not”.
2. He said he feared he would not land the role in Twilight, having missed out on a part in the American television vampire series True Blood, now showing on Channel Four.
Обратите внимание, что когда речь идет о роли Паттисона в «Сумерках», употребляется определенный артикль, а когда о роли в сериале «Настоящая кровь» – неопределенный. Дело в том, что о первой роли всем хорошо известно – она сделала его знаменитым во всем мире, а вот про роль, которую Паттисон не получил, мы ничего не знаем и говорится о ней здесь впервые.
3. Pattinson is now filming the third part of the Twlight saga, Eclipse, which comes out next summer.
Present Simple может выражать будущие действия, которые произойдут по намеченному плану или расписанию. Например:
The film begins at 19.30. – Фильм начнется (начинается) в 19.30.
The plane lands at Heathrow at 12.00. – Самолет приземлится (приземляется) в Хитроу в 12.00.
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