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'Psycho' Angelina Jolie
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Angelina Jolie's former bodyguard claims she's "totally psycho".
The man – who would only be identified as Bill – worked for the Oscar-winning actress at the start of her relationship with Brad Pitt and insists she's nothing like her do-gooder image.
He said: "Angelina has a public and a private persona. In my opinion, the real Angelina is self-centred and a control freak. She has no patience at all. She doesn't do things out of the kindness of her heart. And she's totally psycho ... she screams and yells a lot, then walks away."
Bill also alleged Angelina – who raises six children with Brad – would take her anger out on her partner and their kids, the number of which was unknown when Bill was working for them.
He told In Touch Weekly magazine: "She would disappear into her suite for hours leaving the staff and Brad to deal with the children. She would punish them with silence. I think she could be abusive at times in a mental way."
While Brad and Angelina – who officially got together in 2005, soon after his split from ex-wife Jennifer Aniston – enjoyed "spontaneous sex" at the start of their romance, their relationship has allegedly fallen apart so much they often sleep in different bedrooms.
Bill blames their faltering romance on the fact Angelina doesn't really trust Brad and always needs to find out what he's been up to.
The bodyguard added: "She'll call him from the set to interrogate him. His face goes white, and he just stares at his feet.
"When Angelina's yelling becomes unbearable, Brad will put her on speaker and walk away from the phone. Angelina will hang up and continue calling until one of the staff picks up."
ИСТОЧНИК: http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/celebrity/Angelina Jolie-31940.html
Запомните следующие слова:
to yell
to punish
to blame
to trust
Дважды кликнув на любое слово, вы можете посмотреть его перевод.
Найдите в тексте перевод следующих выражений:
a) образ благодетельницы человечества;
b) по-моему, по моему мнению;
c) человек, помешанный на стремлении держать все под контролем;
d) по доброте душевной;
e) вешать трубку;
f) брать трубку.
Найдите в тексте слова, соответствующие определениям:
a) someone whose job is to protect an important person;
b) paying so much attention to yourself that you do not notice what is happening to other people;
c) the ability to wait calmly for a long time and accept delays without becoming angry or anxious;
d) to ask someone a lot of questions for a long time in order to get information, sometimes using threats;
e) to look at something or someone for a long time without moving your eyes.
Переведите на английский язык:
a) Анджелина и Брэд вместе воспитывают шестерых детей.
b) Бывший телохранитель актрисы утверждает, что она срывает злость на своем муже и детях.
c) Их отношения настолько разладились, что они часто спят в разных спальнях.
d) Билл считает, что Джоли не доверяет Брэду.
She would disappear into her suite for hours leaving the staff and Brad to deal with the children. She would punish them with silence. I think she could be abusive at times in a mental way.
She'll call him from the set to interrogate him. His face goes white, and he just stares at his feet. When Angelina's yelling becomes unbearable, Brad will put her on speaker and walk away from the phone. Angelina will hang up and continue calling until one of the staff picks up.
Употребление модальных глаголов will и would для описания привычных действий
Модальные глаголы will и would могут использоваться при описании привычек, характерного поведения, событий, которые имеют место всегда или обычно имели место в прошлом. Глагол will используется для описания привычек в настоящем, would — для описания привычек в прошлом. Например:
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